March 26, 2008

West African Empires: Study Guide

West African Empires: Study Guide

Empire of Ghana

1. Why was salt highly valued?
It used to preserve food, made food tasty and diet.

2. What was good about the location of the Ghana Empire for trade?
Good position - region's most valueble resources - gold and salt.

3. What is silent barter?
A process in which people exchange goods without ever contacting each other directly.

4.How did Ghana’s rulers raise money and what did the money pay for? P. 133
· Strong armies to protect traders.
· Gold and Salt Trade.

Empire of Mali

1. After conquering Ghana, on what did the king of Mali focus?
Took over the salt and gold trade.

2. To what religion did Mansa Musa belong?


3. Describe what effect Mana Musa’s hajj had on the world’s knowing about Mali:
Mali's wealth and power world famous.

4. Name three ways Mansa Musa spread his religion throughout Mali?
· Build moques
· Arabic
· Learing of Qur'an

Empire of Songhai

1. What religion did the Songhai practice?
2. Describe one way that Askia the Great was like Mansa Musa?
· Muslim
· Supported eduacation
· pilgrimage to Mecca
3. Why did the Moroccan army invade Songhai?
To get the salt mines, they used arquebus.
Historical and Artistic Traditions
Key Terms and People:

Oral history = A spoken record of past events.

Griots = West African storytellers.

Proverbs = Short saying of wisdom or truth.

Kente = A hand-woven brightly colored fabric.

1. Why do you think griots are so valued in West African society?
People in West Africa were very interested in the deeds.

2. What did West African masks represent and when were they worn?
·Faces of animals
· Rituals
· Special holidays
3. Why were music and dance so important in West Africa?
· Visal art
· History
· Celebration
· Funerals

March 17, 2008

The Spread of Islam: Study Guide

The Spread of Islam: Study Guide

Conquest and trade led to the spread of Islam and the blend of cultures

Key Terms and People:

Abu Bakr = Muslims leader after Muhammad's death

Caliph = A title that Muslims use for the highest leader

Tolerance = Acceptance

1. How did the Muslims conquer other lands?


2. How did Arab merchants spread Islam?

They trade.

3. What is religious tolerance? Did the Muslims practice it? P.83
religious tolerance = contact with people had different religious.

Yes, Muslims didpractice it.

4. What language was important to the spread of Islam? P. 83

5. How are Baghdad and Cordoba similar? P. 84
·Center of learning

After the early spread of Islam, three large Islamic Empires formed – the Ottoman, Safavid, and Mughal.

Key Terms and People:

Mehmed II (p. 89) = Ottoman's leader

Shia (p. 90) = Muslims who thought that onnly mombers of Mahammad's family could become caliphs

Sunni (p. 90) Don't think caliphs had to be relate to Muhammad as long as they were good Muslins and strong leaders
1. How was Mehmed II able to conquer Constantinople?
he used huge cannons.
2. What two cultural traditions did the Safavid Empire blend?
Persion and Muslims.

3. What country did the Mughal Empire occupy?
4. What is the Taj Mahal?
A monumetal engineering feat.

A beautiful Tomb built for an emperor's wife.
Muslim scholars and artists made contributions to science, art, mathematics, and literature.

Key Terms and People:

Ibn Battutah = A person who traveled ti Africa, India, China, Spain

Minaret = Narrow tower from which Muslims are called prayer

Calligraphy = Decorative writing

1. What contribution to mathematics did al-Khwarrizmi make?
Invented algebra

The Rise of Islam: Study Guide

The Rise of Islam: Study Guide
"Life in Arabic was influenced by the harsh desert climate of the region"
Key Terms:
sand dunes = Hills of sand shaped by the wind
oasis = A wet, fertile area in a desert
sedentary = settled
caravan = A group of trader that travel together
souk = A market or bazaar
Be able to describe:
1. Where is the Arabic Peninsula?
Southwest corner of Asia.
2. Why do geographers call Arabic a "crossroads" location?
Many trade routes cross Arabic.
3. How did trade affect Arabia's culture?
It brought many different people, product and ideas.
"Muhammad introduced a major world religion called Islam"
Key Terms:
Muhammad = The person who start Islam
Islam = The massager Muhammad received form the basis of religion
Muslim = The follower of Islam
Qur'an = The holy book of Islam
Allah = God that Muslim believed
Shrine = A place at which people worship a saint or a god
pilgrimage = a journey to a sacred place
mosque = Building for Muslim prayer
1. Briefly describe two reasons why Muhammad's teaching challenged old ideas
·Polytheism - belief in one God
·Life after death
2. Describe two ways that Islam, Judaism and Christianity are similar
·Begin place - southwest Asia
·Teach - kindness to follow people are belief in one God
3. Why did Muhammad and his followers have to leave Mecca and go to Medina?
Muhammad was threatened to be killed.
4. Describe two things that happened upon his return to Mecca
·Destroyed tribal idols
·Forgive the people on Mecca who threatened him
"The Qur'an and the Sunnah guide Muslims in their beliefs, behavior, and laws"
Key Terms:
jihad = To make an effort, or to struggle
Sunnah = refers to the way Muhammad lived, which provides a model for the duties and the way of life expected of Muslim

Five Pillar of Islam = Five acts of worship
required of all Muslims
Shariah = Islamic law, based on interpretations on the Qur'an and Sunnah
1. What is the central teaching of the Qur’an?
Only one god - Allah and Muhammad is his prophet
2. Be able to name at least two guidelines for Muslim behavior
·No pork
·No gamble
·No liquor
3. Be able to list the Five Pillars of Islam

·Profession of faith

·Daily worship

·Giving to charity

